Sunday, May 24, 2009

When feeding Seagulls you can get some real good shots. The last three pictures is when two seagulls tried to catch the same "guts" and they crashed.
I love to freeze the shots so you see the splash.


I am living on the island Bornholm in Denmark.
Here is where I am born and lived all my life.
It is a beautiful little island. It is called Scandinavia in a nutshell cause we have about all the different landscapes here except tall mountains.

All my life I have liked to create things with my hands. And the last years I have got into photography. My passion is nature, wildlife and landscape photography.
I love to sit in the nature and just look at Gods great creation, from the little sprout pressing its way up through the ground to the big waves on the sea crashing against the cliffs.

Here I will post pictures from some of my shoots, news and new products.
So come back and look for the updates.

Thanks for visiting and come back soon.
Andre Kofod